Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Flight of the Conchords- Business Time

This is funny!

iMOM - Moms of Toddlers - Moving to a New Home: Part 1

iMOM - Moms of Toddlers - Moving to a New Home: Part 1

My husband and I will be moving with our daughter and our yello lab Ginger. We have recently filed for bankruptcy because we decided it was the best decision for us considering what situation we were under with our mortgage. Yes, we are one of those couples, who rushed into buying a brand new home and then about two months after we moved in, the housing market crashed. And as a result we are upside down in out mortgage. Over the past two years, we tried everything from the Obama plan to applying for help to refinance through our mortgage company. With no luck what-so-ever. So here we are, getting ready to attend our court hearing, and once they have approved our bankruptcy it could be anywhere from 3 months to 8 months until we will have to move. When it happens though, I really would like to get our daughter prepared as much as possible for the move out of the only home she knows and into a new one. Maybe not even a permanent one. We may be renting an apartment or another house for a couple of years until we can qualify for a mortgage again. This article was vey helpful to help me get some ideas about how to prepare ourselves as well as our daughter for our upcoming move.

iMOM - Moms of Toddlers - Complaining: How To Stop It

iMOM - Moms of Toddlers - Complaining: How To Stop It

I have a great article for you Mom's out there who are at their whit's end with all fo the whining and complainging your toddler(s) are doing on a daily basis! My three year old daughter is very stubborn and really get lazy when it comes time to do something or get something she wants. When she doesn't get it right away, she gets frusterated and immediately starts to whine and complain. Well the first few times I can handle it with a calm attitude, but after about 25 minustes of non-stop whining, I used to kinda lose my temper and yell at her. But recently, I have been trying to stay calm and think about why she is REALLY whining. Maybe it's because she's not feeling well, or she's tired or hungry? Sometime it's beacuase she missed her Daddy because he's at work, or I am about to leave for work and she doesn't want me to go. So, I redirect the attention to asking her questions about how she's feeling, and most of the time sho will forget about why she was whining and tell me what's really bothering her. Then I try to help her feel better by fixing the REAL problem instead of giving into the "thing" she wants so badly that I have said no to.

Give Me More!

I love to spend time with my family. It gives me great joy to have my husband and my in-laws in my life right now. I love being with my parents also. Seeing them watch my daughter grow is amazing. Tonight we visited Dad in the hospital. He is recovering with a few stumblws along the way, but I think he will be doing better after this weekend. Then, my husband and our daughter met my Mother-In-Law for a late dinner at Applebees. It was a really nice dinner. I had a bowl of extremely hot French Onion soup with the cheese extra crispy, of course. And a Island Salad, which was one of their Weight Watchers dishes. It was Delish!
No we are home and my husband and daughter are in bed. I am about to watch a bit of TV before I hit the sack. Tomorrow we are getting our passports so we can be ready for that on the cruise we will be goin on in April with my husband and his family!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Late Sunday Night

It's another late Sunday night and also my favorite time of night when the rest of the fam is tucked in and drifting off to sleep, while I have some quiet time to myself. I love this time of the day!
On a typical Sunday evening myself, my husband "Tom" and our 3 year old daughter "Suri" would be heading home from my In-laws after another wonderful dinner of Sunday Sauce spent with my Mother and Father-In-Laws, my husbands uncle and sometimes my sister-in-law and her fiance. We would all have full tummies by around 9pm, after all of the food, conversation and coffee with dessert. Then say our goodbyes until next week.
But this Sunday was different. No sauce on the stove. Instead we were visiting my Father-In-Law in the hospital, where he has been recovering from an extensive back surgery where the surgeon spent 7 hours fusing together 3 disks. He is doing very well after the operation and we will all be happy to see him back on his feet again, hopefully within enough time for our family cruise we have planned for April 24th. Maybe with a lot of good rehab therapy and if the surgery works as hoped, Dad will be back on the golf course again someday, having a relaxing game with his brother and son.

The Grammy's just recently ended over my right shoulder on the tv my daughter usually watches all of her daily Noggin shows on. I thought it was a tastefully done show. Nothing to elaborate this year as far as I could tell. If I missed something juicy, please comment on here though. He He.
There were some amazing dresses and gowns for such a normally semi-formal/casual awards show. I loved Taylor Swifts blue dress. One of my favorite singers, who took home her first not one but two Grammy's! Congratulations. The best performance in my opinion of the evening was the final one performed by Mary J. Blige and Andrea Bocelli in a special fund-raising segment for Haitian relief. Very good!
Tomorrow morning my husband may be getting called in to work early to help with the Haiti passengers who arrive via the National Guard to expedite them on their way to the hospitals or Red Cross shelters they will be transported to. I feel a need to help in a bigger way than just donating cash or sending some extra blankets to Red Cross. (I actually don't even have any extra blankets to hand out anyway) My husband warns me that although it's a nice thought, I wouldn't want to see all of the children and adults who have been tragically burned or crushed or both and are all bandaged up and in a mess. It would be too hard on me? I guess so. Yes. But I will be doing some research on what other areas of volunteer efforts may be needed for in the future, when all of these people will be needing to live here or somewhere int he U.S. for the next two years or even longer. I'll keep you all posted on that.

As for tomorrow, it's another Monday taking our daughter to daycare. She attends a Lutheran Church day care three days a week from 9 to noon. I like it better than the huge and overcrowded Discovery Point she used to attend full time a year ago. This class only has one to two teachers and a total of 5 kids. I actually volunteer every Wednesday to help ease our costs for her tuition. More about my days duties tomorrow night. Until then happy trails to all and good night.

Why Sauce?

Sauce sauce, sauce, sauce..and more sauce!
What is Sauce on Sundays?
Sauce on Sundays is a weekly ritual, where either Mom or Dad (my in-laws) cook up a batch of their family recipe of red sauce which will be served for dinner for the family that night.
The sauce is a perfected recipe that has its own unique ingredients, (yes this recipe is hush hush) as well as homemade meatballs, ribs and hard boiled eggs. The huge pot of sauce is then simmered all day Sunday until it reaches its perfect balance of heavenly tomato sweetness. Then when it's time for dinner, sauce is served with any type of pasta that the family desires, accompanied with a salad mixed with vinegar and oil and, of course we can't forget the french bread loaf, butter and wine!
What makes sauce on Sundays so special is, it is a time for the family to once every week get together and sit around the dinner table and talk. What about? Everything!
The joy about having dinner at the table on Sundays at my In-Laws is that our family doesn't hold back! We love to talk about what's new in the family, what's new in the news, our favorite shows like American Idol, Bachelor. What movies are good to see. Anything and everything goes at the dinner table on Sundays and it's the most wonder time for us.
This is why I have created this bog. To share our experinces at the dinner table. Well, maybe not all of them, but there are some that I can share, and hopefully they will make you laugh as much as I have.
So welcome to my blog. I hope you have fun here and maybe come back to read from time to time.

Red Carpet: Taylor Swift

Red Carpet: Taylor Swift

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